Diseño y construcción de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas con humedales artificiales de flujo subsuperficial en la parroquia San Luis de Armenia, comunidad San Luis de Armenia provincia de Orellana.
2018-02Registro en:
Chimbo Alvarado, Guido Paúl; Montero Arteaga, Gendry Gustavo. (2018). Diseño y construcción de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas con humedales artificiales de flujo subsuperficial en la parroquia San Luis de Armenia, comunidad San Luis de Armenia provincia de Orellana. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chimbo Alvarado, Guido Paúl
Montero Arteaga, Gendry Gustavo
In order to build the domestic sewage treatment plant (PTAR) with artificial wetlands of
subsurface flow in San Luis de Armenia parish, San Luis de Armenia community of Orellana
province, it started with a preliminary study by first which consisted in the recognition of five housing and the available area for the implementation of this project. The pipe connections were directed at a specific point for measuring the flow rate for seven consecutive days applying the volumetric method. Five representative samples were taken and sent to the lab AQLAB for the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of twelve parameters. According to pollutant load of the affluent, it proceeded with the building of the grease and oils trap, primary rectangular sedimentation, drying beds, and artificial wetlands of horizontal subsurface flow. The domestic PTAR supports a flow rate of a design of 29,03 m3/d. Once the treatment system was implemented and on its way, it waited three to four months for the adaptation of the German grassland and develop the effluent characterization producing average results such as pH 6,73, sedimentable solids 0,4 mg/L, total solids 180,08 mg/L, turbity 35,8 UNT, electrical conductivity 186,48 µS/cm, nitrates 0,71 mg/L, phosphates 0,326 mg/L, DBO5 20 mg/L, DQO 56,08 mg/L, total coliforms 0,8 NMP/100 ml, surfactants 2,3 mg/L. The domestic PTAR presents an efficiency of 91% organic matter degradation, within the treatment it was found that surfactants are outside the maximum permissible limits established by the existing Ecuadorian environmental regulation TULSMA LIBRO VI ANEXO 1. It is recommended to the GAD Municipality of Francisco de Orellana the implementation of these systems (artificial wetlands), in order to mitigate environmental impacts generated by domestic sewage in rural areas since its costs are relatively
low in comparison with conventional systems.