Estimación del consumo de suplementos vitamínicos y minerales dispensados a través de las oficinas de farmacias comunitarias de la parroquia Calderón, cantón Quito durante el periódo enero – agosto 2020.
2021-07-20Registro en:
Alcivar Quisilema, Maybelin Meliza. (2021). Estimación del consumo de suplementos vitamínicos y minerales dispensados a través de las oficinas de farmacias comunitarias de la parroquia Calderón, cantón Quito durante el periódo enero – agosto 2020. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Alcivar Quisilema, Maybelin Meliza
The aim of this research was to estimate the consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements dispensed at the offices of the community pharmacies in Calderón Parish, Quito County, during January-August 2020; and compare it with the year 2019. The research was carried out taking into account the data obtained from the sales lists of the community pharmacies that previously met the established inclusion criteria; vitamin and mineral supplements were identified and classified in accordance with their composition, route of administration, pharmaceutical form and year of dispensing. The results showed that there was a consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements in Calderón Parish and the notable preference of patients for drugs that are easy and quick to administer; Likewise, a greater dispensation was observed and, consequently, a notable consumption in a year compared to the other due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. It was concluded that multivitamins, minerals then vitamin C and B complex supplements, were the three most frequently dispensed; The oral route was verified as the most frequently dispensed route of administration. In this sense, the most preferred pharmaceutical forms were tablets and capsules. When comparing the sales lists for the periods January - August 2019 and 2020, the notable increase in the dispensing of these drugs in the last year in question was evident. What this research suggests due to the large consumption of these so-called over the counter drugs, without any legal impediment that reserves the rights to sell them, is the application of an active dispensing plan as a resource to avoid problems related to the use of these drugs.