Evaluación del sistema de distribución de medicamentos por dosis unitaria implementado en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Alfredo Noboa Montenegro, Guaranda provincia de Bolívar.
2018-11Registro en:
Patín Chacha, Raúl Vinicio. (2018). Evaluación del sistema de distribución de medicamentos por dosis unitaria implementado en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Alfredo Noboa Montenegro, Guaranda provincia de Bolívar. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Patín Chacha, Raúl Vinicio
The present research work was carried out to evaluate Unitary Dosage Drug Distribution System (UDDDS) implemented in internal medicine service at General “Alfredo Noboa Montetegro” Hospital, in Guaranda city, Bolivar province. It was applied survey to medical personnel, pharmacy and nursing involving internal medicine, checklist and indicators based on proposed Standard for application from UDDDS in the Hospitals at National Health System, during the period March-April 2018. The sampling population that used the internal medicine service and records issued from the same service and pharmacy. In the surveys carried out to the health personnel, they stated that quality from UDDDS operation is good. With the checklist was evidenced that 28% perform with the parameters purpose with UDDDS, from Ministry Public Health from Ecuador. Also the indicators were determined 17% of beds covered with system at the hospital level, 100% of covers labeled with nonconformities, 84% of medical prescriptions with patient and medical disagreements, 99% of prescribed medications with nonconforming data, 11% far-therapeutic profiles transcribed with nonconformities, 23% of pharmaceutical interventions performed and 12% of re-admitted medications. They did not meet quality standards. It is concluded that the processes at UDDDS that is executed in the internal medicine service are not governed by the Regulations proposed by Health Authority of Ecuador. However, through the application of standardized operating procedures that were proposed, this work will allow improving existing nonconformities. It is recommended to implement UDDDS in other hospital services, as well as to train health personnel on it, in order to comply with the objectives of this system.