Influencia del uso de diferentes niveles de ácido orgánico (acomplejante) en el baño de curtido sobre la calidad final del cuero.
2019-03-11Registro en:
Pérez Cando, Jonathan Alonso, (2019), Influencia del uso de diferentes niveles de ácido orgánico (acomplejante) en el baño de curtido sobre la calidad final del cuero. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Riobamba.
Pérez Cando, Jonathan Alonso,
In the Tannery laboratory of the Faculty of Livestock Sciences of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, it was planned to evaluate the influence of organic acid in the tanning bath on the final quality of the leather, the experimental units were 24 sheepskins, and they were modeled in a Completely Simple Random Design, the applied methodology was based on laboratory tests of physical resistances in equipment and sensory qualification by a qualified judge. The statistics used were the analysis of variance, comparison of means by Duncan, regression and multiple correlation. The results indicate that the use of 2% of complexing product allows to raise the physical resistances of the sheep leather specifically with regard to tension (1257 N / cm2), elongation percentage (70.83%), and lastometry (11.26 mm), maintaining the leather quality suggested by IUP 6 and IUP 9 (2009) leather standards. The sensory evaluation determined the highest results when adding 2% of the complexing product due to an increase in the rating of fullness (4.83 points), touch (4.67 points). Concluding that the highest profitability was presented in the leather lot of the T3 treatment (2%), obtaining a cost benefit ratio of 1.22%, that is to say that for every dollar invested a profit of 22 cents is expected, that is to say, a 22% profit, which is extremely encouraging especially in the current situation of the country that requires alternatives. Therefore, it is recommended that tanneries use 2% of complexing products to improve the physical and sensory quality of sheep leather.