Planificación estratégica para el centro ferretero el Descuento-Noboitas, ubicada en el cantón Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo para los períodos 2021-2025
2022-01-19Registro en:
Guamán Padilla Nataly Emperatriz. (2022). Planificación estratégica para el centro ferretero el Descuento-Noboitas, ubicada en el cantón Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo para los períodos 2021-2025. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Guamán Padilla, Nataly Emperatriz
The objective of this study was to obtain a direction, that is, to know where to go in the future, the visualization of opportunities was contemplated to take advantage of them, face threats, reinforce strengths, disable or eliminate weaknesses. For this reason, the present study establishes the type, level of research carried out, the different research techniques and tools used for the development of this research. Chapter III, shows the results and discussion of results that will be essential to carry out the proposal, within this chapter there is also the development of the proposal, in which the situational diagnosis is observed under the Porter matrices, value chain , crossing of variables, the strategic direction where mission, vision, values, strategic objectives with the respective responsibles, activity and time. Finally, a series of conclusions and recommendations obtained during this study were presented, which may become an important management tool so that the manager of the hardware center can improve decision-making and achieve the objectives efficiently and efficiently. It is concluded that the lack of a SWOT matrix prevents the correct decision making on the variables that this tool contains. This company lacks of a strategic plan that helps the fulfillment of goals and objectives, preventing the development of the hardware center. It should be noted that the company does not have a clearly defined mission, vision, objectives, strategies due to planning has not been carried out previously