Programa de gestión integral de residuos del Mercado Central de la ciudad de Macas, con enfoque en las 3R´s.
2018-03Registro en:
Zhicay Borja, Marcos Patricio. (2018). Programa de gestión integral de residuos del Mercado Central de la ciudad de Macas, con enfoque en las 3R´s. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Zhicay Borja, Marcos Patricio
An integral management plan of solid residues focused on the 3R’ methodology was conducted in the central market of the Macas city, province of Morona Santiago, for which the environmental diagnosis of waste management was initiated, applying investigation techniques and surveys. Samples of waste were taken from the 7 market areas for 28 days, where the characterization of solid waste was carried out. The environmental impacts of three options for the management of solid waste were evaluated through the application of Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM), valuing the importance, magnitude, permanence, reversibility, and accumulation according to the categories and environmental components considered in the generation of waste. The results of the diagnosis determined a high level of unawareness about waste management (63%), and a breach of environmental regulations (83.33%). A production per capita of 2.26 Kg/ trader/day was obtained, the areas that generate the most organic waste correspond to fruits-vegetables and dining rooms (240.11>140.3) Kg and the inorganic waste of the areas of dining rooms, groceries, bazaar-clothes, seafood (37.54>29.17>25.38>23.46) Kg. As to the residue type of greater generation are the organic and plastic waste, (345.1>108.86) Kg. It was determined that the best option for waste management is composting and recycling with less negative impacts and greater positive ones, with values of -26/69 and -31/46. Finally, an integral management plan of solid residues was developed with training measures, information signage, green bonds, eco-fairs and organic and inorganic waste recycling. It is concluded that the implementation of the integral management plan of solid residues will help to reduce, to reuse and to recycle the waste generated in the central market of the city of Macas. It is recommended that the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of Morona applies this proposal to strengthen the waste management.