Elaboración de un sistema contable agrícola - ganadera en la Estación Experimental Pastaza – Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, parroquia Simón Bolívar, cantón Pastaza, provincia de Pastaza, KM 32 a vía Puyo – Macas, y su incidencia en el registro y control de la producción agropecuaria
2014Registro en:
Robayo Laguatasig, Luis Marcelino. (2014). Elaboración de un sistema contable agrícola - ganadera en la Estación Experimental Pastaza – Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, parroquia Simón Bolívar, cantón Pastaza, provincia de Pastaza, KM 32 a vía Puyo – Macas, y su incidencia en el registro y control de la producción agropecuaria. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Puyo.
Robayo Laguatasig, Luis Marcelino
This research work focuses on the development of an agricultural-livestock accounting system at the experimental station of Pastaza, Faculty of Animal Sciences at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Simon Bolivar parish, Pastaza canton and province, Km 32 on the road to Puyo - Macas, and its impact on the registration and control of agricultural production, in which, for the development of the thesis research it was used a descriptive non-experimental methodology, using methods such as inductive, deductive, analytic, synthetic, and the techniques used were observation, interview which allowed to know information on the agricultural production that takes place in the station and confirm the need of an agricultural and livestock accounting system count for management with a tool that allows control the activities carried out within it; and especially to make a proper decision making with financial information presented correctly.