Plan de exportación de licor de cacao de la empresa Proifrut S.A, del cantón Quinsaloma-Ecuador, hacia el mercado de Holanda, año 2013.
2015Registro en:
Verdezoto Espinoza, Diego Vinicio. (2015). Plan de exportación de licor de cacao de la empresa Proifrut S.A, del cantón Quinsaloma-Ecuador, hacia el mercado de Holanda, año 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Verdezoto Espinoza, Diego Vinicio
The research aims to know the logistical procedure to develop the export of cocoa liquor, due to PROIFRUT does not have an export plan in order to know the current situation and the target market. The general objective of this research is to develop an Export Plan of Cacao Liquor at PROIFRUT S.A from Quinsaloma in Ecuador to Netherlands Market during 2013. To achieve the goal it was started to study the company generalities, it was made a diagnosis at PROIFRUT to determine the production capacity, main competitors and domestic and international customers to establish the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis from the company, it was continued to describe the world cacao producers and exporters. This export plan investigated the Market in Netherlands and thereby economic, political, social, cultural factors and competitors were known, in which are involved with cacao production and also tastes and preferences of Dutch. Then it was detailed the operating process from cocoa production to the preparation of cocoa liquor, certificates and documents that PROIFRUT have to acquire to export the cacao liquor to Netherlands, it was also determined the most suitable form of payment for the transaction and then, it is was developed the financial analysis to execute the export activity.