Implementación de un prototipo: sistema automático de censado inalámbrico basado en RFID para estaciones de control de buses urbanos de Riobamba.
2018-04Registro en:
Quicaliquin Quilligana, Diego David. (2018). Implementación de un prototipo: sistema automático de censado inalámbrico basado en RFID para estaciones de control de buses urbanos de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Quicaliquin Quilligana, Diego David
In the present investigation, a prototype was designed and implemented, an automatic wireless census system based on radio frequency identification (RFID) for the identification of urban buses. It conforms through data capture modules, transmission, and monitoring, this last managed from a database manager in the cloud, is based on radio frequency identification systems and development cards as means of identification. To select the electronic elements, the comparative methodology was used taking into account the functionality, cost, dimensions, reading ranges in the case of RFID. It works with an Arduino UNO to process and send census information, through the technology of general packet service via radio (GPRS) using the SIM900 GSM card. The operation of the system is based on the reading of a unique identification code assigned to a transport unit, which is extracted and processed in the data capture module and sent to the server where the records can be viewed through a web browser. From the tests to the ultra high frequency (UHF) reader, it was determined that, when the limits of reading distance were exceeded, from 1 to 4 meters, the reader presented instability of 4 to 5 meters and that, to make correct readings, it should not be there are elements between the tag and the reader that obstruct the communication. It is concluded that the wireless census system implemented contributes to control the frequencies of the buses. It is recommended to carry out an investigation that allows implementing reading devices that extend the range of reading established between the tag and the reader even when it is performed with obstacles.