Evaluación del presupuesto participativo en la distribución equitativa de los recursos financieros del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Pablo Sexto, período 2011
2013Registro en:
Nieves Guerrero, María Isabel. (2013). Evaluación del presupuesto participativo en la distribución equitativa de los recursos financieros del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del cantón Pablo Sexto, período 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Nieves Guerrero, María Isabel
The present investigation is about the participatory-budget evaluation in the fair financial resource distribution of the autonomous decentralized government of the Pablo Sexto Canton in 2011. Its general objective is to evaluate the participatory budget, that is why, specific objectives were achieved such as: to diagnose whether there was a democratic process with permanent transparent processes, accountability and social control, to evaluate the project impact executed by the institution in 2011 as for its economic participatory-budget indicators, to know the results gotten with the participatory-budget implementation, that is, the way this process helped citizens to meet their demands, to promote the citizens education and communication process and participation through organization, monitoring, meetings, field advices. How was the participatory budget distributed in 2011 throughout the rural and cantonal area? Who took part in the participatory budget planning? What was the methodology used between the community and the institution? In the analyzed process, the highest values were staff expenses. Therefore, its running is too slow. Accounts receivable are important in the deficit financing. The San Pablo Canton municipal administration budget was $3.977 741, 00 for several expenses, capital and financial application in 2011. (This information does not match with the original document data, that is, payments). The deficit between incomes and expenses in 2011 is $32.468, 55. The budget used in 2010 was 787,947.19 in contrast to the budget in 2011 which is only 20%.