Diseño de un proceso para la obtención de un abono orgánico para cacao a partir de los residuos sólidos generados en la Empresa Gamafi ubicada en el cantón la Concordia parroquia Las Villegas.
2019-12-18Registro en:
Mendoza Muñoz, José Gabriel. (2019). Diseño de un proceso para la obtención de un abono orgánico para cacao a partir de los residuos sólidos generados en la Empresa Gamafi ubicada en el cantón la Concordia parroquia Las Villegas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mendoza Muñoz, José Gabriel
This research study main aim was to desingn the industrial process in order to obtain an organic fertilizar for cocoa plants from solid waste produced at the company GAMAFI located in La Concordia canton, Las Villegas parish; for which the solid waste produced in the company was received and through a physical – chemical analysis it was determined that the waste generated can be used as raw material for composting since they comply with the values set forth in the INN Ch 2880 standard. The methodology used for this Project is the Takakura composting, wich guarantees a composting process of a two to three months period using aerobic microorganisms, in which the control variables of the most important processes for composting were determined, máximum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, humidity of 10% and minimun C/N ratio of 10, minimun organic matter 50% and germination rate, a composting system on a pilot scale was applied where the composting of 7.5 kg of poultry manure was performed and then a composting on an industrial scale in which it was implemented in three composting stacs of 3600 kg of raw material with the following dimensions of 1.5 meters high by 2.5 meters long, applying in both processes the macerated characteristics of the same, obtaining the following final results: reduction of the raw material by 30%, a germination rate of 7 germinated sedes of 10, C/N ratio of 9.23 final, organic matter 16.04% and total nitrogen of 0.8% values that can determine that the compost produced is applied to smaller plants such as cocoa. In conclusion, the aplication desing to process chicken manure with Takakura method within Gamafi Company in order to obtain a compost for cocoa is effective and profitable, it is recommended to perform a careful analys of pathogens and antibiotics in the end product.