| Tesis
Diseño de un plan estratégico para el GAD - Parroquial rural El Dorado, con la aplicación de la metodología de la SENPLADES, periodo 2018 - 2022
2018-10-12Registro en:
Chinchay Ramón, Jinsop Adrián. (2018). Diseño de un plan estratégico para el GAD - Parroquial rural El Dorado, con la aplicación de la metodología de la SENPLADES, periodo 2018 - 2022. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Chinchay Ramón, Jinsop Adrián
The present research work has the purpose of designing a strategic plan for the GAD - rural parish El Dorado, with the application of the methodology of SENPLADES, period 2018-2022., with the goal of proposing strategies and productive, environmental projects and human talent that helps to boost the growth of El Dorado parish, for its development the survey applied to the inhabitants of the parish. Having analyzed the information through situational research where it has known that it does not maintain strategies in institutional areas of prioritization to achieve compliance with the mission, vision, objectives. It was possible to observe the importance of the Strategic Plan in El Dorado parish since upon this depends on the success of the public administration of the parish, this being the basis of the multiple actions taken to improve the administrative part. The results were recognizing there are unmet basic needs in the parish, a no-technological agricultural and livestock production, no trained staff. It concluded that the El Dorado parish does not have an institutional planning instrument can not contribute to its progress; besides, there are no indicators, statistics, and measurement of impacts of the activities carried out. The execution of the strategic plan is recommended in order to minimize the weaknesses present in the parish and thus contribute to the development with the application of productive, tourist and commercial projects, reducing the gap of the existing unsatisfied basic needs.