Plan de negocios para el Hospital Andino Alternativo en la ciudad de Riobamba
2019-06-17Registro en:
Arévalo Torres, Nestor Javier; Zambrano Cevallos, Génesis Tatiana. (2019). Plan de negocios para el Hospital Andino Alternativo en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Arévalo Torres, Nestor Javier
Zambrano Cevallos, Génesis Tatiana
The present titling work Business Plan for the Alternative Andean Hospital in the city of Riobamba mainly was developed to improve the management of the complementary area of the institution. Through qualitative-quantitative research applied in the design of surveys to both actual and potential customers in the city of Riobamba, for this purpose market research was conducted, data collection and information reflecting the knowledge of people towards complementary medicine and the benefits that others currently have. However, the use of complementary therapies is not the first option when hiring health services, which is why it has a low demand since they do not know the services offered by the complementary area of the Alternative Andino Hospital. In addition to having publicity without focus, which generates expenses for the institution in advertising since 28% of patients attend once a year to contract therapies, missing the opportunities of the Riobamba market. The present work proposes the development of the business plan and creation of strategies focused on the design of the corporate manual, visual merchandising, real-time marketing, and development of new markets, which will aim to manage internal and external communication through the application of mix marketing. It is recommended to implement the proposed business plan since they will grant more significant benefits not only to the complementary area but to the entire Alternative Andean Hospital.