Diseño de una ruta gastronómica para fomentar el turismo en la provincia de Morona Santiago. 2014
2015-07-16Registro en:
Ortiz Contreras, Juan Marcelo. (2015). Diseño de una ruta gastronómica para fomentar el turismo en la provincia de Morona Santiago. 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Ortiz Contreras, Juan Marcelo
In this research design a gastronomic route is performed by a map, to promote tourism in the province of Morona Santiago, he was executed within twelve county seats. Considering its typical food for use as a tourist product based on the identity and culture of each corner of the province. The design was based on a non-experimental process because it does not prove or formulation was made that the existing training in each of the cantons, since they were collected data in one place stood, with 36 preparations in total 12 county seats with a duration of nine months of routes, for the survey of the information, which was used for the preparation of cantonal and provincial inventories; with the support of the Technical Tourism cantonal GADs, who selected the most representative inventory of each canton cuisine, based on professional judgment, which allowed us to know and appreciate the enormous gastronomic wealth that has Morona Santiago. After consolidating the information collected, and it proceeded to the technical design of the gastronomic route, placing in each cantonal head its flagship cuisine; referred to it as AYAMPACO AND ROUTE guayusa, constituting a clear expression of identity and traditions inherited from their ancestors and which are kept in time. You should continue with this kind of print and digital support to serve its own population and visitors as restaurant guides in the area.