Estudio de factibilidad para la creacion del centro de acopio de cebolla blanca en rama en la parroquia Cochapamba, provincia de Cotopaxi
2022-01-04Registro en:
Vargas Velasque, Wilma Georgina. (2022). Estudio de factibilidad para la creacion del centro de acopio de cebolla blanca en rama en la parroquia Cochapamba, provincia de Cotopaxi. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Vargas Velasque, Wilma Georgina
This research focuses on the feasibility study for the creation of a white onion storage center in the Cochapamba Parish, Saquisili Canton, Cotopaxi Province, to help improve the marketing chain of farmers by offering small and large companies bundles of white onion without going through intermediaries that offer low prices. The market study determined the demand, supply, positive unsatisfied demand existing in the market studied, and the acceptance of the creation of the collection center by the producers; for which an interview was conducted with the president of the GAD Parroquial, and surveys were applied to the farmers of the parish to analyze the problems they face when marketing the main product of the sector as well as the supply centers and micro-markets of the province. The technical study analyzed all the factors that influence determining the most appropriate place for the construction of the infrastructure, taking into account the influx of suppliers and the size of the collection center. Also, the organizational study of the company analyzed the legal basis and established the mission, vision, values, principles, and structural and functional organization of the entity. In addition, through the evaluation of the economic-financial study, it was determined that the feasibility study is viable and profitable since an NPV of $34,019.91, IRR of 23%, benefit-cost of $1.14, and the investment recovery period of 3 years, 1 month and 27 days were obtained. Therefore, it is worthwhile to implement the project in the Cochapamba parish that will improve the socioeconomic development of the sector