Influencia de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana ante Erupciones Volcánicas y Sismos compatible con el estándar ISDB-Tb en la disminución de daños en la provincia de Tungurahua.
2018-05Registro en:
Barba Chérrez, Diego Javier. (2018). Influencia de un Sistema de Alerta Temprana ante Erupciones Volcánicas y Sismos compatible con el estándar ISDB-Tb en la disminución de daños en la provincia de Tungurahua. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Barba Chérrez, Diego Javier
This research was aimed at diagnosing the influence of an Early Warning System for volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes compatible with the standard ISDB-Tb in the reduction of damage in
the province of Tungurahua; As well as the awareness of citizens in the decision making and
way of acting in front of the occurrence of an emergency situation. Research on the performance
characteristics of the ISDB-Tb standard, such as the insertion of interactive applications in the
Digital Television signal, together with the application of a survey to a sample of 383 people
who inhabit areas mostly affected by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the province of
Tungurahua, they allowed to determine that 49.9% of the sample analyzed recorded preference
for television as a means of communication in emergencies, data that was Fundamental for the
development of the prototype of an emergency alert system through the television signal;
Finally, and with the application of an interview, structured based on a Likert scale, the
influence of the Early Warning System was determined in the reduction of damage caused by
volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, which had an assessment and acceptance of the 77.78% by
the representatives of zonal Coordination 3 of the Secretariat of Risk Management, as it could
be used as an additional resource in the communication process of emergencies in Ecuador.