Implementación de un prototipo de cobro y recarga prepago de tarifas para el servicio de transporte público urbano mediante una HMI controlada por NODEMCU.
2018-06Registro en:
Mantilla Perdomo, Ana Estefanía. (2018). Implementación de un prototipo de cobro y recarga prepago de tarifas para el servicio de transporte público urbano mediante una HMI controlada por NODEMCU. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mantilla Perdomo, Ana Estefanía
The objective of this titling work was to implement a prepaid charging and recharging system through an HMI controlled by NodeMCU based on wireless identification technology. The different technologies, development cards, and NFC readers were researched to define the most relevant characteristics. It consists of a sensed and charged module, the visualization interface, the server and web page where the generated gains of the transportation unit are shown. The technical and functional characteristics of the components were analyzed for the selection of the components of the prototype, so the NFC identification technology was chosen because it is short-range with a unique operating frequency of 13.56 MHz and NodeMCU for its integrated Wifi. The operation of the system is based on the identification of a label through an NFC reader, which is responsible for sending the information contained in the memories of the labels to the NodeMCU to perform the charging or recharging process, to later visualize the information in the HMI screen, the website displays the collections made during the day and has the option to download the report, taking into account that to access the page you must have a user registration and password. From the tests carried out, it was determined that the charging time is 2.5 seconds and 0.98 seconds the recharge. It is concluded that the prototype benefits both users and drivers and collectors in the payment of fees, control of profits, security and time savings for both parties. For the elements power that makes up the circuit, a 5V regulator must be used to ensure that the voltage is adequate and do not take risks of damage to the components.