Plan de marketing para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Sumac Llacta Ltda., ubicada en la ciudad de Riobamba
2020-01-15Registro en:
Yumi Jarrin, Leydi Mercedes. (2019). Plan de marketing para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Sumac Llacta Ltda., ubicada en la ciudad de Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Yumi Jarrin, Leydi Mercedes
The present research project based on a marketing plan for the Savings and Credit Cooperative Sumac Llacta Ltd, located in Riobamba city, it is aimed at detecting the flaws that the institution has within Riobamba marketplace and seek appropriate strategies for the improvement of its corporate image. Within this work, a market study was carried out to know the current situation of the Cooperative, for which a survey was applied to the institution's business partners in order to determine what the client's perspectives are when using the services provided by the Sumac Llacta Cooperative, an interview was also conducted to the general manager in which he states that a marketing plan has not been executed before, so it is necessary to do so. The investigation carried out, established results in various aspects of the research, from the lack of institutional policies and principles, to the lack of updated strategies and tools for marketing and administration management, there is also a great demand for financial institutions that offer the same services. To all these shortcomings, the improvement of institutional principles, marketing mix and six strategies were developed where each of them consists of a description, objective, tactics, scope, and economic estimation. In conclusion, through the application of this marketing plan, the Sumac Llacta Savings and Credit Cooperative will obtain greater participation in the Riobamba market.