Auditoría de gestión a la Unidad de Talento Humano del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de El Chaco, provincia de Napo, período 2014
2015Registro en:
Morales Tapuy, Andrea Estefanía; Pacheco Tutillo, Avelina. (2015). Auditoría de gestión a la Unidad de Talento Humano del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de El Chaco, provincia de Napo, período 2014. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Tena.
Morales Tapuy, Andrea Estefanía
Pacheco Tutillo, Avelina
This thesis consists of a Performance Audit to the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of El Chaco, Napo province period 2014 in the department of Human Resources to develop the efficiency and quality of processes established in the department and thus mitigate the risks that may occur by not meeting the goals and objectives set by the institution. The objective of this work is to evaluate each area processes and identify bottlenecks that impede the implementation of processes and their causes through techniques and procedures used in the field work of the audit. In the research process it is pretended to detect findings that prevent the fulfillment of the objectives proposed by the tested component and issue the respective recommendations for each of the employees. In this way it is intended that the major of the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government takes this Performance Audit Report issued by the investigators to ensure and provide quality of administrative processes and transparency in the accountability of every sectional government should deliver to its citizens to improve their services.