Desarrollo de una formulación de curtición vegetal utilizando Caesalpinia Spinosa (TARA) en combinación con glutaraldehído en la empresa de Curtiembre El AL - CE.
2018-12Registro en:
Sela Mendez, Cristhian Fabricio. (2018). Desarrollo de una formulación de curtición vegetal utilizando Caesalpinia Spinosa (TARA) en combinación con glutaraldehído en la empresa de Curtiembre El AL - CE. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Sela Mendez, Cristhian Fabricio
The objective was to develop a process of vegetable tanning without the use of chromium by means of bovine skins to the production of footwear. The experimental units were 20 skins of adult cattle distributed under a simple random design in 4 treatments corresponding to glutaraldehyde levels (0, 1, 2, 3%) in combination with 15% tare and with 5 repetitions each. The results for the physical tests of the leathers were, Resistance to the Tension, the highest values were reported in the T1 treatment with responses of 2306.3 N/cm2. To the percentage of elongation, the highest results were reported in T3 treatment leathers with 73% results, and to Lastometry the highest reported results were reported in the T2 treatment with mean values of 8.0 mm. All those results were compared based on the control treatment T0, which presented higher values of resistance to tension, percentage of elongation and lastometry. The tests to sensory analysis of the leather reported the best treatment with the following results: softness, fullness and firmness of flower with responses of 5.0 points, 4.80 points and 5.0 points respectively to the treatment T3. It concluded that the best formulation to obtain tanned leathers with excellent physical and sensory properties are the combination of 3% of Glutaraldehyde in combination with 15 % of Caesalpinia Spinosa (tara). Which was the ideal formulation to the production of leathers of cattle to footwear, achieving a leather with characteristics similar to leather tanned with chrome, with liquid or solid effluents, without the presence of trivalent chromium thus reducing the environmental impact. However, it recommended working on different skins to compare the results already obtained.