Evaluación de la contaminación acústica en el Terminal Terrestre del cantón Morona, ciudad Macas mediante la identificación de niveles de presión sonora.
2019-07-22Registro en:
Martínez Mora, Jannesee Carolina. (2019). Evaluación de la contaminación acústica en el Terminal Terrestre del cantón Morona, ciudad Macas mediante la identificación de niveles de presión sonora. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Macas.
Martínez Mora, Jannesee Carolina
The acoustic contamination of the Dr. Roberto Villarreal Terrestrial Terminal was evaluated by means of the sound pressure levels that are generated, with the objective of knowing the value of existing environmental noise. Information was collected in the study area, identifying areas sensitive to noise pollution, specifying nine monitoring points; for the realization of the thematic mapping (noise map), the ArcGIS computer tool was used applying the Weighted inverse Distance (IDW) technique. A type II integrative sound level meter configured with A weighting was used and in slow response mode for taking data determining three periods (morning, afternoon and night) using the 15-second methodology reporting 5 samples of 15s for 10 minutes for each point obtaining 405 daily samples. The results were obtained by applying the methodology given in the regulations Ministerial Agreement 097 Annex 5 of the Ministry of Environment, shown that in the three periods established the P3 points located in the International Shipping area with 66.99 dB, P4 located in the confectionery area with 68.00 dB, P7 located on the arrival of buses with 68.52 dB and P8 located in the Interprovincial Boarding area with 67.64 dB, has a higher noise level, exceeding the allowable limit of 55 dB. Determining that e the noise that is produced in the terminal is influenced by external noise such as economic activities and light and heavy vehicular traffic that are developed around the study area facilities, generating a change in noise level in the terminal.