Evaluación del estado ecológico de las cuencas de los ríos Ambato y Chambo, mediante el uso de macroinvertebrados acuáticos.
2021-09-17Registro en:
Dutan Muñoz, Brigitte Katherine. (2021). Evaluación del estado ecológico de las cuencas de los ríos Ambato y Chambo, mediante el uso de macroinvertebrados acuáticos. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Dutan Muñoz, Brigitte Katherine
The objective of this research project was to evaluate the ecological status of the Ambato
and Chambo rivers through the use of aquatic macroinvertebrates, direct observation,
analysis of vegetation cover use maps and the manual for the conservation of areas, to
characterize the anthropogenic activities in the two study areas. To determine the
ecological quality of the Ambato and Chambo rivers, a previous water quality analysis
was carried out by collecting macroinvertebrates from the substrate and rocks, biological
indexes for Andean regions were subsequently applied; the hydromorphological quality
of the field cards were used; finally, the ecological status of the study areas was
determined through the cross analysis of the water and hydromorphological quality
classes and color range. In the Ambato river, $ anthropic activities were identified with a
medium category of degradation. In the Chambo river, 8 anthropic activities were
identified with a high category of degradation. The ecological status of the Ambato and
Chambo rivers was found to be in a "moderate to very poor" quality range. This indicated
that the water quality and morphology of the riparian zones presented better water quality
conditions in the upper zones than in the lower zones of the areas. It is recommended that
physical and chemical analyses of the soil in the riparian zones and water be carried out
to obtain more information on external factors affecting ecological quality according to
the TULSMA for the preservation of flora and fauna of freshwater ecosystems.