Diseño de un manual de buenas prácticas para el turismo accesible en centros de turismo comunitario.
2021-09-17Registro en:
Mero Ceme, Flora Margarita. (2021). Diseño de un manual de buenas prácticas para el turismo accesible en centros de turismo comunitario. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Mero Ceme, Flora Margarita
The aim of this study is to design a manual of good practices in accessible tourism for Community Tourism Centers. The conceptual design of the manual was based on the review of bibliographic sources through a comparative analysis based on the criteria of clarity, applicability, timeliness, and contingency. Complementing the base information with the eco-collection of first-hand experiences through interviews and workshops with people of accessible tourism and community tourism, as well as consumers, the information gathered served to establish and prioritize a total of 180 good practices designed and worked on in the areas of: lodging, food, transportation and operation, plus a Decalogue, these good practices can be applied in the context by Community Tourism Centers and indigenous communities that in the future want to venture into the subject, likewise serve as a reference for people with disabilities, Senior Tourists and consumers in general who want to have a guide on basic standards to ensure safety and accessibility in their tourism activities, in addition, members of the academy may take this document as a reference for future projects of design and implementation of tourism products in favor of community tourism and accessible tourism following the path of sustainability.