Estudio gastronómico nutricional de los platos tradicionales de la comunidad Talatac del cantón Pujilí, 2018
2018-08-16Registro en:
Pulloquinga Zapata, Jessica Mireya. (2018). Estudio gastronómico nutricional de los platos tradicionales de la comunidad Talatac del cantón Pujilí, 2018. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Pulloquinga Zapata, Jessica Mireya
The purpose of the current graduation work was to carry out the gastronomic-nutritional study of traditional dishes in Talalac community, Zumbahua parish, Pujilí Canton. The type of research is applied and bibliographic and used both, theoretical and empirical methods to get the information through surveys applied to 41 people as well as 26 interviews for the inhabitants of Talalac community, obtaining in this way reliable information that allowed developing the current research work. According to the results obtained, the customs and traditions the community has are: shelter the houses with straw, birthdays, Quasimodo Easter, Corpus Christi, (minga) communitarian job, baptism, marriages, hand request in marriage. The information about different traditional dishes of Talalac community was collected, from the list of 11 preparations, the most consumed by the population are: cariucho, caldo de mondongo, yahuarlocro, chichi de oca, champús. There are some other preparations like: sopa de llama, seco de llama, locro de3 oca, seco de Borrego, papas con cuy and chicha de avena which are consumed in less proportion, since it is difficult to obtain the necessary products for preparing these dishes. For standardizing the recipes, it was necessary to identify the ingredients, elaboration, cooking time, and the different culinary methods were also identified as well as individual portions of each meal in order to know their nutritional value. In conclusion, the gastronomy of Talalc community has several traditional dishes that are prepared with different cooking types outstanding the flavor of each meal and maintaining the nutritional requirements of the diet. The different preparations of the community are recommended to be consumed since they are cultivated in the area and its preparation preserves the highest amount of nutrients beneficial for feeding the inhabitants. After obtaining the necessary information, the digital magazine was designed and broadcasted in the municipality of Pujilí and the Parish GAD of Zumbahua in order to document the gastronomy and history of this ancestral town.