Aplicación de la estrategia farmacológica para disminuir las complicaciones por accidente ofídico en el Hospital José María Velasco Ibarra.
2019-09-19Registro en:
Rivera Pazmiño, Iván Patricio. (2019). Aplicación de la estrategia farmacológica para disminuir las complicaciones por accidente ofídico en el hospital José María Velasco Ibarra. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Rivera Pazmiño, Iván Patricio
Ophidian accidents are considered one of the most dangerous worldwide, especially in endemic areas where snakes are present; The prompt and correct medical action is reported as indispensable, in which prescribing an adequate pharmacological scheme is vital. With the objective of applying a pharmacological intervention to reduce the complications resulting from the official accidents in patients treated at the José María Velasco Ibarra hospital in the city of Tena in the Napo province, an applied, quasi-experimental investigation was conducted in which the adequacy of the pharmacological schemes of 27 patients with official accidents. General characteristics, pain intensity, type of accident and presence and type of complications were evaluated. As statistical tests, the Chi-square test was used Goodness of fit the non-parametric test Linear trend the non-parametric test Fisher's exact test and Cramer's V coefficient. It was found: a predominance of minor official accidents (70.4%), mild degree of disability (85.3%), with the presence of complications (59.2), with a predominance of infections at the bite site. It was concluded that pharmacological adequacy reduces the presence of complications in patients with official accidents. It is recommended to carry out medical update sessions on issues related to the performance of official accidents as part of the continuous training plan to achieve the permanent updating of health professionals in this type of accident.