Determinación de riesgos bajo la matriz de la Norma NTP 330 y diseño de encapsulamiento sonoro de las máquinas micropulverizadora y molino en la Planta de Producción “EXIBAL” del cantón Chambo, provincia de Chimborazo
2021-02-18Registro en:
Tenelanda Santillán, Cristian Sebastián; Vimos Rosacela, Edith Margarita. (2021). Determinación de riesgos bajo la matriz de la Norma NTP 330 y diseño de encapsulamiento sonoro de las máquinas micropulverizadora y molino en la Planta de Producción “EXIBAL” del cantón Chambo, provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Tenelanda Santillán, Cristian Sebastián
Vimos Rosacela, Edith Margarita
The purpose of this research was to determine risks and design the sound encapsulation of
micropulverizing and mill machines, the relationship of various factors was analyzed such as
noise, the machines that cause it and possible professional-level diseases at the Exibal Chambo
production plant. In the investigation a number of activities were presented, first, a field study
was carried out to assess the initial situation of the company that allowed to determine the risks
caused by the machines in the environment through the use of the risk matrix and the application
of the NTP 330 standard. Different noise samples were measured using sonometry, which allowed
the correct analysis of the properties of different materials for insulation, in addition cost
assessment and estimation was considered and a model for sound insulation was finally designed.
It was identified that the main types of risks in the company are ergonomic and physical. Noise
measurements showed that 85% of workstations the permissible noise limit is exceeded, with the
most critical point being the production area where the micropulverizing and mill machines with
a level of 110 dB are located; the high level of noise exposure was considered and a sound
encapsulation design of the micropulverizing and milling machines was proposed at the
production plant; which will reduce a level of 23,895 dB, in order to preserve the health of