Evaluación ergonómica por medio de REBA, RULA y NIOSH, y propuestas de medida de control de los trabajadores en el área de producción de la Empresa Molinos San José
2022-03-09Registro en:
Solís Flores, Richard Fabricio. (2022). Evaluación ergonómica por medio de REBA, RULA y NIOSH, y propuestas de medida de control de los trabajadores en el área de producción de la Empresa Molinos San José. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Solís Flores, Richard Fabricio
The objective of this degree work was to perform an ergonomic assessment using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) methodologies for forced postures and The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methodologies for manual of loads of personnel in the area production of the company Molinos San Jose. In the fieldwork stage, a photographic archive was obtained with direct observation to each job. Also, photographic material was collected from the workers in the mixing and grinding, bagging, sewing and loading sections. The postures identified in the REBA methodology were: very inclined stand, extended neck position, bilateral leg support, rotated arm with poor grip, giving a risk level of 1, which indicated that immediate action is necessary in the workplace. In the RULA methodology, the positions were similar to the previous one, obtaining a level of action of 7, which indicated that urgent changes are required in the workplace. In the NIOSH methodology for the bagging section, the analysis was considered as monotasking, giving an IL of 2.62 considered as moderate risk, indicating that the task should be redesigned. In the load section, the analysis was considered as multitasking, giving an IL of 7,440 considered as high risk, indicating that the task should be modified. The conclusion is that there are ergonomic risks in the tasks carried out by the workers in the production area of the company Molinos San José, and it is therefore recommended that training, supervision and a manual of active breaks be proposed to improve the working conditions of the workers.