Implementación de tarjeta de desarrollo utilizando el módulo Tini Platform para el laboratorio de control en la EIE.
2010-08Registro en:
Guerrero Cuello, Cristina Judith; Maldonado Hurtado, Daniel Gustavo. (2010). Implementación de tarjeta de desarrollo utilizando el módulo Tini Platform para el laboratorio de control en la EIE. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guerrero Cuello, Cristina Judith
Maldonado Hurtado, Daniel Gustavo
Control Development Card (TDDC) was designed and implemented to simulate proprietary systems, using the Tiny InterNet Interface embedded system (TINI) to allow remote control and monitoring via TCP/IP networks, giving a didactic learning equipment of Embedded Systems to the Control Laboratory of the School of Electronic Engineering at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. To implement the TDDC, a microcontroller PIC16F877A was used as the CPU, an LCD and matrix keypad for HMI, LEDs, toggle switches, a DC motor and a photoresist, to simulate digital and analog actuators and sensors respectively. As the communication system with the outside was used a RS232 serial port. The TDDC operates in four modes of operation that simulate different proprietary embedded systems. TINI platform DS80C400-KIT # model was used for the design and development of the TINI/TDDC Learning Guide, which includes a number of Java applications to exploit the capabilities of TINI Embedded System with TDDC to corroborate them. The union of the TDDC Development Card and the TINI platform are called TINI Laboratory. Was obtained an Embedded Systems didactic learning equipment comprised of TINI Laboratory and TINI/TDDC Learning Guide, allowing to know, to explore and to exploit the capabilities of TINI Embedded System, to the students from the School of Electronic Engineering, ESPOCH.