Prevalencia de anomalías citológicas en frotis cervicouterino, en las mujeres que habitan en el Barrio El Batán, parroquia Yaruquies, cantón Riobamba.
2018-08Registro en:
Molina Pinza, Andrea Belen. (2018). Prevalencia de anomalías citológicas en frotis cervicouterino, en las mujeres que habitan en el Barrio El Batán, parroquia Yaruquies, cantón Riobamba. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Molina Pinza, Andrea Belen
The objective of this project was to determine the cytological abnormalities in cervical smears in women living in the neighborhood "El Batan", parish of Yaruquies, Riobamba canton. Cervicovaginal infections are a frequent health problem in women in a fertile state, and a descriptive and observational study was carried out. The research was developed with 43 women who live in that neighborhood, they attended voluntarily. The participants are between 28 - 75 years old. The collection of data before taking samples of the uterine cervix, to determine cervical infections was used Pap smears (Pap), Fresco, Gram, and Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) at 10%. The analysis of the samples and their results was done using the Bethesda 2001 system. The statistical analysis was used Excel version 201, the result of the cytological analysis showed that 91% was negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy while 9% resulted with abnormalities in epithelial cells, of which 3 was diagnosed ASUS - AGUS, and 1 with LIE - LOW GRADE, 79% of women did not present any type of infection, while 12% had Bacterial infection, 9% fungal infection and 2% presented bacterial infection as fungal. The risk factors mentioned are age of first sexual intercourse, number of pregnancies, use of contraceptive method and date of the last pap smear. For this, other studies related to this research were taken into account.