Determinación de Formulaciones de Masa Congelada para su Aplicación en Panadería Comercial 2011
2012Registro en:
Vera Romero, Marco Vinicio. (2012). Determinación de Formulaciones de Masa Congelada para su Aplicación en Panadería Comercial 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Vera Romero, Marco Vinicio
This investigation is an experimental design. The general objective of this investigation is to determine suitable formulations of Frozen Mass in Commercial Bakery. The methodology used was experimental. The determined variables were microbiological characteristics, of crumb and useful life time of the frozen masses, with the Rating Test Writing to six professor chefs by the application of an organoleptic test and product acceptability. With the use of a standard recipe in the application of three types of bread: integral, crumb and sweet; three experiments were elaborated with three repetitions each one; microbiologic analysis, crumb bread <1 ufc/g, integral bread <1 ufc/g, and sweet bread <1 ufc/g. useful life time of the masses in a freezing of three months. Being determined that the use of the first formulations which contain an addition of improvement and adding of yeast were the most optimum for the masses freezing; organoleptic characteristic were determined trough the masses with better punctuation, 4,2/5 points for crumb bread, 4,3/5 points for integral bread, and 4,5/5 points for sweet bread. It is recommended that the freezing time in the use of the first formulation for the elaboration of frozen masses in the three types of bread be of 90 days, since under these conditions it was allowed to register the best organoleptic characteristic and the biggest acceptability according to the perception of the tasters.