| Tesis
Plan de exportación de tilapia empacada al vacío con destino a Madrid - España impulsado por la Asociación Pujalyacu del cantón Pastaza, período 2011
2012Registro en:
Alvaro Zurita, Eduardo Marcelo; Berrones Espin, Verónica Janeth. (2012). Plan de exportación de tilapia empacada al vacío con destino a Madrid - España impulsado por la Asociación Pujalyacu del Cantón Pastaza, período 2011. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Alvaro Zurita, Eduardo Marcelo
Berrones Espin, Verónica Janeth
This research work is an “Export Plan of Tilapia Vacuum Packed to Madrid – Spain, Driven by Pujalyacu Asociation, Canton Pastaza, period 2011”, consisted of collecting safe and reliable information through books, pamphlets, modules, laws and online investigations on Spain official pages about characteristics in the order to know the market to export and avoid cultural mistakes. An inner analysis of the enterprise was performed, determining, its strengths and weaknesses, continuing with a macro analysis, establishing how the macroeconomic, social, political and technological variables affect to the company and exports, to have a broad vision and design the plan taking into account possible effects arising over time. A technical study was carried out where was the stage of breeding of tilapia to its production process was described in a narrative form through the flowchart in the market analysis, major exporters and traders of tilapia were detailed, as well as a marketing analysis where potential buyers enlisted the product; Martinez Moreno Bross SL., was the company selected. The export plan detailed requirements, documents, certificates and steps to follow for the export of tilapia, referring to the customs procedures, since the Association Pujalyacu elects the consumer, because tilapia are final consumption in the country of destination; terms of Incoterms negotiation, and finally a study shows how it will affect the export activity to the Profits of the company, the year 2011 wasw taken as a base and export costs and export sales were increased, determining a positive variation in earnings concluding the plan is feasible.