Análisis del comportamiento dinámico del motor de combustión interna encendido por chispa mediante el uso de instrumentos de medición térmica
2022-03-09Registro en:
Padilla Ávila, David Fernando; Guallo Alulema, Luis Wilfrido. (2022). Análisis del comportamiento dinámico del motor de combustión interna encendido por chispa mediante el uso de instrumentos de medición térmica. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Padilla Ávila, David Fernando
Guallo Alulema, Luis Wilfrido
This research study deals with the dynamic behavior analysis of the spark-ignited internal combustion engine through thermal measurement instruments use. Therefore, it began with a bibliographical review of the topics concerning combustion engines, parametric curves, dynamometers, and thermocouples. In the methodology part, the steps to follow for the tests to be carried out were established. The first test carried out was that of the chassis dynamometer, which consisted of measuring the torque and power values generated by the engine as a function of revolutions, the data obtained was used to graph the parametric curves of each cycle. For the second test corresponding to the temperature measurement of each cylinder in the different revolutions of the engine, a thermocouple Type K was used, which is connected to an Arduino Uno that communicates with an Excel program that collects the temperatures data. Among the obtained results, the correlation of Torque and Power concerning the temperature of the cylinders is graphically manifested. This is also through mathematical models achieved after performing data regressions, which predict a 99.86% relationship between Power and cylinder temperature and 96.03% concerning Torque. In addition to obtaining confirmation through statistical analysis. It is concluded that there is a correlation between Torque and Power concerning the temperature of the cylinders through the mathematical models generated. A study of the applications that the mathematical equation obtained in the analysis of the variation of the torque-power vs. temperature and performance variables is recommended.