Propuesta metodológica para determinar la tarifa de transporte comercial modalidad Taxi Convencional y Ejecutivo incluyendo variables de tiempo, distancia y eficiencia operacional. Caso Estudio Cantón Guano, Provincia de Chimborazo.
2019-04-29Registro en:
Gaibor Silva, Mónica Tatiana. (2019). Propuesta metodológica para determinar la tarifa de transporte comercial modalidad Taxi Convencional y Ejecutivo incluyendo variables de tiempo, distancia y eficiencia operacional. Caso Estudio Cantón Guano, Provincia de Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Gaibor Silva, Mónica Tatiana
This study proposes a methodology to determine the commercial transportation fare through the conventional and executive taxi modality including time and the distance variables under vacuum and operational efficiency in Guano canton at province of Chimborazo based on the model established by the National Traffic Agency taking into account the variables that have not been considered in the current methodology and that have a significant influence, causing a wrong calculation of the costs and profitability levels of this activity. Through surveys both users and service providers and observation sheets were monitored the routes of a group of units in their daily work, a technical analysis of the operational costs and the offer of kilometers was made which allowed to establish a rate according to the local reality; the obtained information exposes about the quality in the offered service to which the users describe it as good. The results determined a rate of $ 1.30 for the minimum career, the cost per km with a value of $ 0.36 and the start value of $ 0.54; INEC studies on income and expenses show that the increase in the fare will not affect the economy of the users, so it is recommended to implement the proposed methodology taking into account the observations to the current fare model.