Estudio y difusión antropológico de la cultura gastronómica, de la Nacionalidad Tsáchila 2013
2014-11-10Registro en:
Quezada López, Nancy Alexandra. (2014). Estudio y difusión antropológico de la cultura gastronómica, de la Nacionalidad Tsáchila 2013. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Quezada López, Nancy Alexandra
The present thesis out the Anthropological study of the gastronomic culture of the Nationality Tsáchila where they were identifying the culinary techniques that were applied and are applying at the present time, besides the different ingredients that are used to create the typical dishes that day by day get ready in each community seated in the city of Santo Domingo. With the information gathered throught surveys that were carried out in 6 communities of the province being these: Chigüilpe, Otongo Mapalí, Tsáchilas of the Bua, Congoma and in Poste besides readings of previous documents, a gastronomic guide was elaborated where they consist the main typical recipes of the ethnos Tsáchila and outstanding information of its culture to have as an instrument of diffusion statements results of the investigation, and to let know to Santo Domimgo’s country and its surroundings. Obtaining the favorable answer of the citizenship with the welcome of the recipe book and demonstrating the lack of knowledge of the typical dishes as descriptive entities of the culture, it was also verified that with bigger influence of the government one could have a way to bring near a tourist alternative as much as possible, whereas the gastronomy Tsáchila part of the Ecuadorian Regional cuisine and making available to people of the community as well as of the province.