Análisis de prestaciones de los protocolos de autenticación remota RADIUS y TACACS+ en infraestructura de comunicaciones corporativas.
2019-03Registro en:
Andrade Tubun, Gabriela Anabell. (2019). Análisis de prestaciones de los protocolos de autenticación remota RADIUS y TACACS+ en infraestructura de comunicaciones corporativas. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Andrade Tubun, Gabriela Anabell
The objective of this research was to analyze the features of authentication protocols RADIUS AND TACACS Plus in corporate communication infrastructure. The corporate infraestrucutre has problems with the management of this networks because there is a lack of knowledge and insecurity gaps, mainly in WLAN networks so it is intended to carry out studies of the characteristics and performance of the Protocols Radius and Tacacs Plus, design the test environment to validate the performance of each protocol using an Open Source environment, evaluate and verify the proper functioning of the protocols selected to establish comparison parameters and to develop a technical guide proposal for the implementation of remote authentication in corporate infrastructure, by any means, it is possible to improve and precaution the integrity and security of the clients. To confirm the need to implement authentication mechanisms in wireless networks, a survey was conducted to the administrators of several public companies of Riobamba such as: CNT EP (Riobamba), Provincial Council of Chimborazo and the Municipality of Riobamba, to verify if the administrators know about the existence of the protocols RADIUS or TACACS Plus was obtained as results that only CNT EP Riobamba has knowledge and use protocols of remote authentication and access control in its infrastructure.Concluding that the best features have TACACS Plus because it provides better security benefits.