Análisis de la dinámica de deforestación ocurrida en los últimos cinco años en la zona intangible “Tagaeri taromenane” (ZITT) mediante aplicación de tecnologías geoespaciales.
2022-03-25Registro en:
Valverde Chávez, Branly Rodrigo. (2022). Análisis de la dinámica de deforestación ocurrida en los últimos cinco años en la zona intangible “Tagaeri taromenane” (ZITT) mediante aplicación de tecnologías geoespaciales. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Valverde Chávez, Branly Rodrigo
In the present study, a forest loss in the last five years in the "Tagaeri Taromenane" intangible zone was determined using radar and optical images using Google Earth Engine (GEE) program. For this purpose, radar images (Sentinel 1) were used, which are not affected by atmospheric conditions, unlike the optical images commonly used for this type of study, the methodology for Mapping and Monitoring the Tropical Forests using Radar data was applied and adapted; For vegetation cover change, three supervised classifications were performed using the same training areas and the same classifier (Random Forest) but different images, first a radar image (Sentinel 1), second an optical image (Landsat8) and then a combination of both; Subsequently, the accuracy of each of the resulting images was evaluated using the Acatama plugin of the QGIS program, and it was determined that the most accurate classification was the one made with the combination of images (Sentinel 1/Landsat 8); then these images were processed in QGIS to quantify their areas. No deforested areas were found in the ZITT, however, near its western boundary a loss of forest mass of 71.66 km2 was found; it was determined that the vegetation cover for the year 2015 was: anthropic infrastructure (1.35 km2), native forest (12110 km2) and water (39.64 km2); while for the year 2020 it was: 1.56 km2 , 12109.78 km2 and 39.64 km2, respectively. The deforestation analysis using radar images produced appreciable results in areas that present large extensions of deforested areas, it is recommended to expand the study area for deforestation analysis using radar images.