Diseño de una aplicación interactiva para Televisión Digital Terrestre basado en el middleware Ginga para comercializar productos en línea.
2019-02Registro en:
Cevallos Muñoz, Mariuxi Alexandra. (2019). Diseño de una aplicación interactiva para Televisión Digital Terrestre basado en el middleware Ginga para comercializar productos en línea. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Cevallos Muñoz, Mariuxi Alexandra
In this final work, an interactive application was designed. It allows you to sell products online using signals from Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT). The design of the application was developed in Ginga -J for being a middleware own of the Brazilian standard ISDB - Tb (adopted in Ecuador) and by allowing security options. When performing trade by televisión, marketing and advertising alternatives to companies are provided to increase their income in sales. With regard to the application presented to the user on the screen, the purchase options that are displayed in the interface of the application are extracted from a database created in MySQL with Apache server, for the payment, the credit card or PayPAL options were defined that grant transparency and confidence in the transaction. There are intermediary companies like PAYPAL which by using public key infrastructure, of certificates and digital signatures, granted by certificated authorities to meet certain requirements, encode information to protect data and identity verification for both parts, turning the purchase in a secure process. Through user acceptance testing (UAT), it was determined that the application is useful, the content is organized and understandable, and its management is similar to make a purchase on the Internet, in addition the purchase is verified with the discount on the user account. For these reasons, it is important to use a digital signature, because it prevents the company store financial data of the user or the company performs a fraudulent transaction, and viceversa.