Artículos de revistas
Simulación del proceso de endulzamiento de gas natural usando solución acuosa de monoetanolamina.
Tixi, Hernán
Barahona, Natalia
The riddance of the acid components of natural gas is known as sweetening, this is achieved through its absorption with basic solutions such as alkanolamines, throughout a reversible exothermic reaction, which subsequently allows its regeneration. In this theoretical research was carried out the absorption of CO2 and HS extant in the natural gas used in the ASPEN PLUS process simuator with its thermodynamic package
for amines, using as an absorber an aq ueous solution of monoethanolamine (MEA).The ASPEN PLUS software is a good implement by the calculating process operation variables. Su this, satisfactory results were obtained absorption of CO2S when the f low and concentration of amine is increased. The absorption process occurs in a better way at low temperatures and high pressures; in opposite, the desorption process improves at high temperatures and low pressures. CO2 concentration in the clean gas is inf luenced by the number of stages of the absorber, but not the H2S.