Plan de fortalecimiento de la calidad de servicio del transporte público intraprovincial en los cantones El Chaco y Quijos, provincia de Napo
2020-11-12Registro en:
Pantoja Buenaño, Erika Dayanara. (2020). Plan de fortalecimiento de la calidad de servicio del transporte público intraprovincial en los cantones El Chaco y Quijos, provincia de Napo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Pantoja Buenaño, Erika Dayanara
This research aims to propose a plan to strengthen the quality of service of intraprovincial public transportation in cantons called El Chaco and Quijos, through quality indicators to improve its operations and satisfy the needs of the community through the analysis and diagnostic of the situation and current operations of the transportation system. The study was conducted based on virtual surveys applied to urban and rural parishes in both populations, obtaining general information from the population, use of public transportation, mobility habits, and basically the evaluation of the quality of the service with respect to operationality, security, accessibility, universality, respect, treatment of the user and comfort. According to the results the population travels between 4 to 10 times a week using this means of transportation, which presents deficiencies in the service according to the final evaluation, 44% regarding to quality, showing poor conditions in terrestrial transportation established by the Reglamento de Aplicación a la Ley Orgánica de Transporte Terrestre, Tránsito y Seguridad Vial. Based upon the information obtained, a proposal was designed and it is oriented to the Reglamento Particular de la Marca AENOR de Servicios para el Transporte Público de Pasajeros (Tpp) elaborated by the Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación that establishes quality of service parameters for internal and external transportation, information of routes, stops, accessibility, customer service, comfort and security, oriented to public bodies through the necessary guidelines to improve this service in a technical way based on updated information.