Análisis de la composición faunística de los ecosistemas Herbazal de páramo, Herbazal y Arbustal Siempre Verde subnival de páramo y Herbazal Húmedo Montano Alto Superior de páramo de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo
2017Registro en:
Esparza Piñas, D.M. (2018). Análisis de la composición faunística de los ecosistemas Herbazal de páramo, Herbazal y Arbustal Siempre Verde subnival de páramo y Herbazal Húmedo Montano Alto Superior de páramo de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo. (Tesis de grado. Ingeniero en Ecoturismo). Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Esparza Piñas, Daniela Monserrath
The present investigation states elaborating the faunistic composition analysis of the ecosystems: Herbazal of Paramo and Herbazal and subnival evergreen Bushes of high montano humid Herbazal of Paramo of the Reserve of Fauna Production of Chimborazo. It was designed into three phases: the first one corresponded to the validation of fauna and determination of the threat states of the species present in the three ecosystems above mentioned; this stage has been carried out through an exhaustive field work where 39 bird species were recorded; one specie is in a vulnerable situation and another one in an endemic condition; 13 mammal species in which one specie is almost threatened and two species are endemic, 13 amphibious species in which one is in a Critical Danger and 13 reptile species. The second phase corresponds to the denomination of Alfa Diversity Indexes (a) and Beta (B) through the informatics papers Stimate version 9.10, Microsoft Excel 2013, First version 5.0, determining that in general there is a faunistic diversity, with the fact that the humid high montano of Paramo is the one that the Higest species diversity has. The third phase corresponds to the determination of the fauna composition; it was developed through the conduction of one test of Kruskal Wallis in the statistical program SPSS and the trophic structure it was identified through the use of Excel Microsoft, establishing that the differences between the ecosystems are very significant, confirming that it is possible to compare the diversity between one and another system. It is recommended to continue the study of the missing ecosystems within the production reserve of fauna Chimborazo so as to have clearer results at a general level of the whole reserve.
Key Words: Fauna composition – fauna inventory – ecosystems – mammals from Ecuador
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