Implementación de un robot de locomoción cuadrúpeda controlado por tarjeta Myrio para su desplazamiento en superficies regulares.
2019-11-18Registro en:
Naranjo Cevallos, Marjorie Carolina. (2019). Implementación de un robot de locomoción cuadrúpeda controlado por tarjeta Myrio para su desplazamiento en superficies regulares. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Naranjo Cevallos, Marjorie Carolina
A quadruped locomotion robot controlled by the Myrio card was implemented for movement on regular surfaces. Through prior investigation, materials were chosen and the elements for the hardware selected. The type of printing material was polylactic acid or lactic acid (PLA) due to its low cost for printed parts, acrylic for rigid or cutting parts of 4 millimeters thick considering its resistance, MG995 servomotors because of their torque and low cost. For software selection, the Labvie W environment was used to program the Myrio. The prototype has 8 servo motors that allow generating the movement path, four limbs of the same type, a protection plate for the Myrio card, and a battery. The tests conducted for prototype performance are the operational test of the Myrio card for the movement. They were performed on three types of surfaces, as well as the battery consumption time. The robot's performance was satisfactory in the conventional tested environments as wood, floating floor, and tile, where the robot could reach an acceptable average speed for its correct movement. It is concluded that coordinated movement and displacement were achieved. Each limb of the simulated mechanical structure and the practical implementation of the experimental behavior versus the theoretical one is evidenced. It is recommended to carry out the study of the sizing of the wire since the current consumption of the prototype is extremely high, as well as to take balance investigations with the gyroscope of the Myrio card for future improvements of the current prototype.