Revision de estudios de curtición de pieles de Cavia porcellus, (cuy), con diferentes sistemas de curtición.
2022-02-11Registro en:
Bonifaz Velasco, Santiago Fabian. (2022). Revision de estudios de curtición de pieles de Cavia porcellus, (cuy), con diferentes sistemas de curtición. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Bonifaz Velasco, Santiago Fabian
The objective of this research was to carry out a review of studies on the tanning of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus
skins with different tanning systems. The research projectto be developed was part of the bibliographic or documentary exploration for which a review of the existing bibliographic material on
he subject to be studied was carried out, that is o say, information was collected from graduate works,
rescarch, essays. presentations, sciemific articles, and others. This is one of the main steps in any
rescarch and includes the selection of information sources such as hups/ww.ciatec, virtual pro,
Scopus, Google Scholar, Academia edu. Scielo revistasinvestigacion.unmsm.edupe/index.phpí
lederpicl.com and others. During the tanning process, it was determined that the adequate level is 10
3% glutaraldehyde since the best tensile strengih is achieved, while the highest percentage of elongation
was reached with 8 % quebracho, and the highest lastometry with 6 % quebracho, and the highest
elongation with 6 % glutaraldehyde. and the highest stífIness with 6 % guarango plus mimosa. In the
sensory evaluation, the highest fullness scores were reached with 6 % of synthetic tannin while the
highest sofiness was reached wiih 3 % of mimosa plus 5.4 % of guarango, and finally the highest
roundness, when tanning with 6 9% of synthetic tannin. To obtain a higher profitability, it should be
tanned with mimosa and guarango since the benefit-cost ratio was 1.29, that for each dollar invested,
29 cents will be obtained. Therefore, it is recommended 1o tan guinea pig skins with vegetable tanning
gents or synthetic tannins since, due to their high astringent power, they do not damage cither the Mesh
le of the skin, so that he quality and beauty to be used in fur articles is preserved.