Determinación del carbono orgánico almacenado en la vegetación de ribera y macrófitas de los 16 bofedales de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo.
2021-08-16Registro en:
García Santander, Freddy Ismael. (2021). Determinación del carbono orgánico almacenado en la vegetación de ribera y macrófitas de los 16 bofedales de la Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
García Santander, Freddy Ismael
The present research aimed to quantify the carbon stored in the Ribera and macrophyte vegetation, from the 16 wetlands of the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve, for which it was worked with a destructive method of sampling, also the vegetable material was collected in 3 quadrants of a square meter, at a range of 100m per wetland in the riverside area and a 2m sweep in the micro-terminals. In addition, to quantify the stored carbon, two methodologies were used: the first by the dry/wet weight ratio (S/h), all individuals were weighed by species, subsequently led to the stove at a temperature of 90 degrees for 72 Hours, where a constant weight was achieved, then the dry vegetable material was heard, Aguirre formula, (2004) was used to determine the stored carbon, the second methodology was by direct combustion (CD), 30 grams was taken Crushed, of each species, and the samples were divided into three repetitions of 10 grams, these were incinerated in the muffle at a temperature of 450 °C, by a span of 6 hours, where complete oxidation of the biomass was achieved. The total carbon stored at 31.41 hectares, in the Ribera area was 127 ton/c by S/H and 41.48 ton/ c per CD. On the other hand, in 3,66 hectares of microcins, a storage capacity of 0,37 TON / C by S/H and 0.23 TON / C by CD was determined. This indicates that the stored carbon is variable, about the applied methodologies, as well as the riverside flora stores about 30 times more carbon to macrophytes. To sum, it is recommended to synthesize the carbon storage results, in the vegetation and floor of the wetlands to design conservation proposals for the wetland ecosystem.