Implementar un prototipo de analizador de espectro radioeléctrico utilizando sistema SDR.
2017-11Registro en:
Barragán Maldonado, Jeferson Jesús. (2017). Implementar un prototipo de analizador de espectro radioeléctrico utilizando sistema SDR. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Barragán Maldonado, Jeferson Jesús
The objective of the titling work was to implement a prototype of a radio spectrum analyser using the Software Defined Radio (SDR) system, which is oriented to the need of public and private institutions focused on telecommunications, enhancing higher education for better performance of their educators. For the implementation of this prototype an algorithm was designed for the operation of the analyser in the free software GNU Radio which was carried out in the Ubuntu operating system, this algorithm was implemented in the USRP B210 card, it is coupled to a laptop using the USB 3.0 ports of the card and the computer, this prototype works in the frequency range of 70 MHz to 6 GHz due to the working range of the USRP card, for a better visualization and manipulation of the radio electric spectrum it has the options of: central frequency, gain, number of divisions per decibel and reference level of the graph. For the correct reading of the graphs there is the option of Max Hold for the maximum peaks, Average that allows to have the averages of the received signal thus giving a basic functionality for training educators and educated in the educational centres. Likewise, the comparison was made with the commercial analyser, obtaining a variation of around 0.0045 mW and an error of 15.7% in terms of bandwidth with the prototype implemented. It is concluded that the prototype allows to visualize the spectrum of a certain frequency, as well as its manipulation for a better reading. It is recommended that the SPAN takes values with multiples of 8 to 512 by reference to the decimation rate.