Implementación de un sistema de suspensión PULL-ROD y puesta a punto del vehículo prototipo Fórmula SAE de la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz
2021-12-01Registro en:
Morocho Guamán, Jonathan Mauricio; Herrera Anguisaca, Juan Carlos. (2021). Implementación de un sistema de suspensión PULL-ROD y puesta a punto del vehículo prototipo Fórmula SAE de la carrera de Ingeniería Automotriz. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Morocho Guamán, Jonathan Mauricio
Herrera Anguisaca, Juan Carlos
The objective of this technical project was to implement a Pull-Rod suspension system and tuning of the Formula SAE prototype vehicle of the Automotive Engineering career, both front and rear. Since when participating in a Formula SAE competition, the team members as individuals, advisory professors and other university personnel are obliged to comply with the rules and all interpretations or procedures issued or announced by the SAE Standards Committee and other organizers. Through theoretical foundation, all the necessary knowledge was obtained for the design and simulation of the suspension system based mainly on the Formula SAE regulations. In addition, a design methodology was described and applied to define the process and the aspects to follow during the development of the project, since the suspension of a single-seater fulfills different functions; therefore, the final design consists of a track width and wheelbases that will allow stability to be maintained on the track. An analysis of the critical moments with simulation was carried out during the operation of the vehicle, as well as the process to carry out the final assembly of the suspension. The necessary parameters were defined to carry out the real assembly in the prototype, describing its construction step by step until setting up the entire prototype vehicle. When designing the suspension system, all the elements that make up a Pull-Rod system were considered, and in the analysis using finite elements, the operation was verified as specified by the regulations. It is recommended to consult with all the members who carried out this project if any future improvement needs to be done in order to facilitate handling and guarantee improvements if they arise.