Obtención de una biopelícula a partir de la oca (Oxalis tuberosa) y de la yuca (Manihot esculenta) para la utilización como envoltura de alimentos
2020-12-02Registro en:
Pastuizaca Castro, Melissa Michelle. (2020). Obtención de una biopelícula a partir de la oca (Oxalis tuberosa) y de la yuca (Manihot esculenta) para la utilización como envoltura de Alimentos. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Pastuizaca Castro, Melissa Michelle
The objective of this research is to create a biodegradable film from goose (Oxalis tuberosa) and cassava (Manihot esculenta) to be used as food wrapping, starting with the physical- chemical and microbiological characterization of the raw material, later the starch was extracted, using the guidelines described by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), using the 2k experimental design (with two variables: speed and time, obtaining 6 treatments with 4 repetitions each), for which, 1 litter of water was used for each sample, to determine the best performance, then the proximal analysis was performed based on the INEN 1456 standard. After this process, the bioplastics were obtained using four treatments, each of which obtained varied concentrations of starch (8,2% and 11,2%) and plasticizer (5,2% and 9,5%), with constant concentrations of vinegar, water, temperature and time, after which, sensory tests were performed. It was determined that in all the treatments carried out, biofilms were formed, with certain observations in TP2Y and TP2O, the biodegradable plastic sheets formed tend to be sticky to the touch and the TP3O bends after drying. Also, humidity tests were carried out with different ranges such as TP2O, TP2Y, TP4O, TP4Y (23,104%; 23,910%; 20,595%; 21,809%) while for solubility TP2O has 77,658% and TP2Y 70,718%. The mechanical tests were performed on two specimens with a result for TP4Y of 6,247. E+00 MPa, in the modulus of elasticity and TP1Y 2,452. E+00 (MPa). Biofilms decompose in an aerobic environment in approximately 50 days.