Proyecto de exportación de panela pulverizada de la Cooperativa de Productores de Panela “El Paraíso” de la parroquia pacto, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha para el mercado de Madrid – España en el período 2017.
2017-03-28Registro en:
González Enríquez, Andrei Eduardo. (2017). Proyecto de exportación de panela pulverizada de la Cooperativa de Productores de Panela “El Paraíso” de la parroquia pacto, cantón Quito, provincia de Pichincha para el mercado de Madrid – España en el período 2017. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
González Enríquez, Andrei Eduardo
The Project of pulverized panela exportation in the cooperative of panela producers “El Paraíso” towards Madrid market is aimed since there is a high index of cultures established for the migration. This work is focused on the Ecuadorian population demand that it is a privileged market as they know the product, its benefits, nutritional qualities, and unique properties it has which proves the product commercialization presents a high profitability. Through the application of foreign business techniques, the actual cooperative operations could be achieved which over years have been possible to technify industrially its production reaching exportation, certifying a final product with a high quality standard. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the cooperative actual situation through sales increase to take its products to international markets. The exportation Project implementation is possible and it optimizes the performance, in this way there is a dynamic increment of the exportations and a new capacity of production, with the better development not only for the institution but also for the area producers and as a result new job opportunities and incomes are generated.