Registro de las tradiciones culinarias del cantón Chambo, como patrimonio cultural inmaterial, 2015
2017-05-30Registro en:
Lisbeth Daniela, Mora Pazmiño. (2017). Registro de las tradiciones culinarias del cantón Chambo, como patrimonio cultural inmaterial, 2015. Registro de las tradiciones culinarias del cantón Chambo, como patrimonio cultural inmaterial, 2015. Riobamba
Lisbeth Daniela, Mora Pazmiño
The cultural identity of a town is defined from their ancestors, due to problems such as globalization or socioeconomic problems, it has been affected, since it has brought with the replacement or implementation of new customs, making the own of the place disappear over time. This project is a descriptive, non- experimental and transversal work, due to the fact that a single period of time was carried out, supported by bibliographical research and field research through the application of surveys to a study group between the ages of 60 90 years, and additionally an interview to 8 owners of food establishments. All the information collected was embodied in the creation of a register of culinary traditions, such as intangible cultural heritage, which contains an inventory of typical and traditional dishes of the sector, of its great tourist attractions such as the church of Catequilla, Aguallanchi hot springs, Mother church between its main places, as well as of its customs and traditions like: the recreation of the mount of Calvary in Easter week and the devils that belong to the place. It was concluded that the most representative dishes of tthe sector are: caldo de pata (70%), yaguarlocro (58%), llapingachos (68%), and having as traditional dishes more important to preparations such as: fritada (61%), caldo de gallina criolla (59%), papas con cuy (55%), among its main gastronomic elabrations. It is also recommended to the authorities of the decentralized autonomous government of the Chambo canton, the joint dissemination of the cultural and gastronomic diversity with which the site counts and to give way to future similar research projects to safeguard and enhance our cultural heregitage.