| Tesis
Elaboración de un ciclo de menús general para el Centro de Atención Integral al Adulto Mayor del cantón Guano, 2015
2015-05-21Registro en:
Domínguez Ruiz, José Luis. (2015). Elaboración de un ciclo de menús general para el Centro de Atención Integral al Adulto Mayor del cantón Guano, 2015. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba
Domínguez Ruiz, José Luis
The objectivo of this project is to devolop a general cycle menus for comprehensive Care Conter for the Elderly of Guano Canton 2015 in order to meet the nutritional needs of older adults. A survey of all employees of the Center for Comprehensive Care of the Elderly was held. Reception, storage, maintenance, cleaning, handling techniques and cooking methods were evaluated. The proposed research is descriptive and field study design. The results of the survey were, reception, storage and maintenance are good, but a very important point is that the cold chain breaks because it has not a cold room to the freezing of genres The handling and cleaning is done by 50 % , but that are not within the parameters . The methods and techniques are insufficient because inadequate cooking methods are used to prepare food Because of this is recommended a normal cycle of 15 da ys menus which consist of with standard recipes and nutritional charts, fundamental techniques a cookbook, and methods of cooking for the elderly and especially food and varied menus to suit nutritional needs with high levels of acceptability.