Síndrome de distres respiratorio en el adulto
2018-10-16Registro en:
Guadalupe Olivo, Carla Estefania. (2018). Síndrome de distres respiratorio en el adulto. Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Riobamba.
Guadalupe Olivo, Carla Estefania
The respiratory distress syndrome in adults is an acute respiratory failure that occurs by pulmonary edema of non-cardiogenic origin, Produced by an increased capillary permeability leading to hypoxia, this syndrome occurs after a trigger event either pulmonary or extra pulmonary. Between the clinic of SDRA we have severe hypoxemia, decreased lung compliance and radiologically bilateral infiltrates. The treatment of this syndrome is based on the treatment of precipitating cause and management. We present a clinical case in order to analyze the characteristics of the SDRA with your treatment, it is a patient of 57-year-old mestizo, with a history of Diabetes Mellitus type 2, that presented acute respiratory failure hemodynamic instability after a dental procedure with fever and mass in cervical region, in the chest x-ray showed bilateral basal infiltrates. After the assessment of the patient is diagnosed as acute respiratory distress in the adult, Secondary to an infectious process in skin and soft tissue (Ludwig's angina) with septic shock, so he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit where required ventilatory support, hemodynamic monitoring, and midline cervicotomy was made for control of infectious focus, During your stay in intensive therapy with good evolution and response to antibiotic treatment and with gradual improvement of their respiratory process, Patient required mechanical ventilation for 23 days, with good evolution, graduates of the hospital unit without complications after of 58 days of hospitalization, Concluding that the use of ventilatory mode APRV it is a great strategy therapist decreasing the days of hospitalization. In the present case study the evolution of the critical patient with SDRA secondary, the ventilatory strategy with non-conventional ventilatory mode APRV and current evidence for the management of your respiratory condition such as hemodynamics.